Think of a style | 賞想


主辦單位:賞想 Think of a Style

    《賞想》是「圍繞好設計、尋找好作品」的購物及分享平台,透過線上線下模式推動整個文創產業的發展,從社區、香港、以至亞洲出發,以不同形式發掘文創產業的價值,將各種設計文化藝術融入生活之中。 城市生活節奏急促,很多文化藝術創作都和我們擦身而過。賞想透過文字和影像,將這些文化足跡和藝術剪影再度呈現,同時亦設立平台讓設計師將自己作品展示,讓大家可以欣賞和購買。

主辦單位:Central Venue Management


Central Venue Management 獲香港政府委任管理和營運中環海濱活動空間。


     Hoegaarden has a unique heritage. From the original Hoegaarden wheat beer brewed in the Middle Ages in the eponymous Belgian village in Flemish Brabant, it has become a world-renowned authentic Belgian wheat beer. Hoegaarden brand is owned by Anheuser-Busch Inbev, the biggest brewer in the world. Hoegaarden is not only a popular beer in Belgium, it is an international beer brand distributed in more than 70 countries. This cloudy wheat beer flavored with orange peel and coriander is a refreshing thirst quencher with a mild flavor and a fruity character. It is characterized by its naturalness and authenticity.

支持單位:Food Panda


    我們致力於推廣手創/文創/藝術品牌與青創思維的結合,營造出美好生活的無限可能。 近年來,由於現在網路購物的便利,讓購買各國創作者的作品變得十分簡單,卻反而犧牲了製作者與客戶之間直接交流的機會。
    愛手創成立之目的,便是希望能夠回歸最初的對話模式,期望能夠藉由活動市集,讓各個職人將作品、藝術、創作理念等以面對面的形式傳達 給大眾,讓每一個人都能親身感受到其中的細膩與堅持以及更多的溫暖。

支持單位:Ishands x Connect Asia

     Ishands x Connect Asia便是希望可以推廣日本傳統文化結合手作職人的精神到世界各地,並經由作品的連結超越語言的隔閡,讓所有人都可以感受到手作的美好。




     KaChick stands for all your moments and memories in life. Through finding the right photographer or videographer easily, we want to remind you to treasure the littlest things in life. We want to help you capture them in a beautiful way so you can relive the emotions even 80 years later.
     What we are doing will challenge the existing concept and industry of visual content creation. We believe photography and videography should be so close to everyday life that we all deserve to access them anytime, anywhere.
     We strive to build a global community so anyone can share their own angle and learn from one another.


© 2025 賞想 Think of a Style