


商店的話 - 享受畫作所帶來不能預期的驚喜,每次的製作都是獨一無二,因為基於顏色既不同,落色既時間,顏色既流向,凝固既快慢,結果也有所不同。 . 猶如製造每一個生命 . 享受看見每一位的"你",遇見一幅能令你心動的畫。 同一幅作品,有人一見鍾情,有人報以冷眼的表情 . 這就是我一直所嚮往藝術帶給我的快樂及滿足感 ———————————————————————— . We are not selling a product ! We are selling a kind of art style ! . A fluid art that you can't the same in anywhere. Those textures, color, pattern are quince, one of a kind. . Enjoy the art that you couldn't be expected, create a picture you never imagined. That, we always call " Abstract Painting "