直径: 4cm
高度: 11cm (水泥部分 10cm, 玻璃試管 1cm)
- 水泥接觸到水之後,表面會略為深色,過了一會,水份乾了,作品會呈現原本的顏色。由於他有這個吸水的因素,所以如果是咖啡或茶或其他有顏色的水份粘上去之後,作品表面那污跡不會散去
- 作品表面會有微細的氣泡,對於一些非常討厭氣泡的人,水泥這物料其實不適合你
- 要清潔其實很簡單,只需要用乾淨的抺布及清水,並不需要加任何洗潔精。洗潔精或任何清潔物料也可能在水泥作品表面上留下污跡
- 雖然這是一件純灰色的作品,但由於是人手製造及水泥的特質,整個作品表面不會呈現單一的灰色
[Dried flower only applicable when shopping at Peel 11]
People often consider concrete as bulky.
This concrete vase is in relatively small size. One of the sides has a slot showing the inner test-tube and the test-tube is like floating, this can eliminate the bulky feeling.
Another reason on using test-tube is to solve the issue on water being absorbed by concrete since our creations are without additives or any other substance are added to alter the characteristics of concrete.
Diameter 4cm
Height 11cm in total (concrete in 10cm, test-tube in 1cm)
A little note that you may wanna know:
- This item is a fair faced concrete item.
- Fair faced concrete is a concrete surface that on completion of the forming process, requires no further treatment other than curing. No painting nor patching to cover up any defects. So the technique and perfect control is the key to achieve a piece of quality fair faced concrete. One need to touch and feel it in person in order to enjoy this highest level of craftsmanship.
- No worries if water just splash on it, the beads turn a bit dark, after a while when the beads are dried, you can see the original color. However this means if its tea or coffee go on it then stains lasts.
- Tiny little bubble is expected. For those who have concern on the bubble, then we are afraid concrete may not be your choice
- To clean it, simply use a clean cloth with clear water, no cleansing material is needed. Kind reminder, cleansing material often with color that the color will leave the stains on the creation