

Love Heart S/M

衣著服裝 > 中性 > 襪子


Unique Socks


出貨地區 出貨日數 庫存數量 商品訂製
香港 1 20 不可
出貨地區 香港
出貨日數 1
庫存數量 20
商品訂製 不接受訂製


-Mixed textile

-Size S/M or M/L

- Active heel wrap and extra cushion provides comfort and support during all activities 

- The crew socks design is constructed with full wrap heel form fitting materials 

- Extra stretch elastane for close fitting 

- Special blend fiber composition for ventilation and graphics 

- Dynamic arch protection helps protection and prevent foot injury 

- The strengthened elastic for support and helps prevent slip downs 

- Professional handlinked toe gearing for athletes 

- Unique patterned for your style and stand out from the crowd 

-All weather, All-Day wear provides long lasting comfort and support even in the harshest of environments
