「鈴蘭」耳環分別有 1朵花 / 3朵花 / 5朵花 三個款式。
本商品是 ”單件選購”,可自由配搭,做出傳統的 ”平衡” 效果,或是帶有玩味的”不平衡” 格局 (即鴛鴦耳環)。
想要一對,"購買數量" 為 "2"。
想組合鴛鴦耳環,"購買數量" 為 "1",然後到下面連結選擇另一隻 :
3朵花 https://www.thinkofastyle.com/item/1000003178?preview=true
5朵花 https://www.thinkofastyle.com/item/1000003171?preview=true
黃色 (Mix Yellow)
1朵花 : 約2.5cm
* 洗澡時請把耳環除下。
* 請勿浸泡於海水及泳池水中。
* 請保持雙手清潔時佩戴,避免沾上汗水、污漬。
* 可以手洗,避免大力拉扯。
* 使用期間如被水弄濕,用紙巾輕印乾便可。
* 請避免被金屬勾、刀片等利器傷害。
* 玻璃珠飾物,請避免大力碰撞、擠壓及抓刮。
* 避免接觸香水、化妝品及化學用品,及長期放置於空氣及陽光下,可減低褪色情況。
* 人手編織的作品,無法像機器倒模製作出完全一模一樣的東西。葉片之擺放角度及距離屬不規則 設計,漸變色線材之色彩分佈比例無法指定,這就是手作的微妙獨特之處,請明白,謝謝。
* 拍攝燈光以及電腦顯示的顏色和質感可能與實物有輕微差異,如有疑問,請聯絡我,因為,我希望你可以欣賞到素材與手作的最美。
* 部分小配件(e.g扣/圈...)如缺貨或需作輕微調整時,以不影響整體造型設計為原則,設計師保留調整權利,恕不另行通知。
* 謝謝欣賞編織飾物的妳。
How to Care
* For a crocheted work, please clean your hands before use to keep it clean.
* Do not soak in sea water or pool water.
* If get wet, dry it with a paper towel.
* Avoid the contact with metal hook, blade and other sharp objects.
* Please avoid collision, squeeze and scratch to the crystal, pearl and beads.
* Please use dry towel to clean it after use and put into a zipper bag or box after wearing to avoid exposure to the air and sunlight, and also avoid to contact with perfume and strong chemical products, can reduce discoloration.
Warm Reminder
* This is a handmade product and it cannot be exactly like the same as machine made.
The placement of beads and distance will be slightly difference from the product photos. This is the uniqueness of handmade work, please be understand.
* The color and texture displayed in the computer may be slightly different from the real one. If in doubt, please feel free to contact me because I hope you can enjoy my hand work.
* Do not accept returns/exchange for customized products.